Based on an extended TAM, this research examines omnichannel banking adoption in France and attempts to identify the factors influencing consumers' intention to use omnichannel banking. It also explores the moderating effect of personal innovativeness.
Based on 239 multichannel customers, Structural equation modeling and multiple group analysis were performed to test the hypotheses.
Results reveal that personal innovativeness had a moderating effect and that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness significantly affected intention to use omnichannel banking channels. Multichannel integration quality and awareness were the main drivers of perceived usefulness and ease of use. However, anxiety negatively influenced consumers' beliefs about omnichannel banking
Practical implications
The findings have important implications for French retail banks to promote and implement their omnichannel-banking marketing strategy effectively. Creating awareness about omnichannel banking usage while providing a consistent and seamless banking experience iscritical for the success of omnichannel banking.
This study successfully extended TAM to omnichannel banking in France integrating the multichannel integration quality construct and awareness to explain consumers' beliefs and usage intention in the omnichannel behavior context. Further, it integrates individual factors such as personal innovativeness as a moderating factor.
omnichannel banking; multichannel integration quality; extended TAM model, France
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